12/ Stress
During the period when I became an initiate of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a café that I
used to frequent for its cheap, delicious dishes was Guru Nanak’s Conscious
The café was
located on one of the side streets behind King’s Cross Station. Despite its
hordes of raucous, cutlery-gesticulating
customers – many students - the atmosphere seemed always calm and
soothing. Maybe behind its closed kitchen
doors there was Fawlty Towers chaos.
But I don’t think so. The presumably
Sikh waiters served the food with an invariable serene, unflappable composure
their deliberate manner emanating respect for what they placed on the table
before us, how they placed it. But
this memory is inevitably inflected with silver-haired nostalgia.
A second memory
surfaces of a Hindu hatha yoga teacher whose classes I once attended. At the close of each session she used
to impress upon us the vital importance of savouring each successive breath we
take. As we lay on our mats on the floor she would say in her quiet, solemn
voice that each of us from the moment of birth had only a given number of breaths to use up throughout our life
times. Irretrievable.
First squawk to
last gasp, treasure every one of them.
Now, more than
ever before, I appreciate the value of becoming absorbed in each action,
immersed in the moment.
Consciously breathing.
Relieving stress.
© Benóg Brady Bates |
Useful Resource:
In Conversation with Charlie Maguire - The Buteyko Centre, Coomhola Lodge, Bantry, full video accessed here.