20/ Nutrition
Caught up in
today’s fake news storm it’s hard enough to disentangle fact from fiction. Overloaded with information that is
spun and stretched and shrunk into sound bites; skewed and skewered into
marketing slogans, sophistry plus image. The claim to hand-on-heart, honest-to-goodness authenticity has
now reached back to early Stone Age.
I’ve just come across some foodstuffs professing to have been a staple
of our ancestors during the Paleolithic period. Hmmm… Difficult to see the grains of truth amongst the chaff.
Over two
millennia ago Hippocrates may or may not have said, ‘Let food be thy medicineand medicine be thy food’. (It would be a little chauvinistic to pretend disinformation
is a modern invention.) But the
general idea is sound and consistent with his confirmed faith in the body’s
power to rebalance and heal itself.
A friendly,
concerned neighbour has sent me a link to a pithy, plain-speaking video that
sets this precept of Hippocrates in our contemporary context. The academically and professionally manifestly
abundantly qualified doctor, with the benefit of modern medical knowledge,
confirms the crucial importance of eating well to keep well. She is antipathetic to the Big Food
Industry peddling processed food.
She believes that the world’s burgeoning population can be adequately
fed by more traditional methods.
In her practice she is reluctant to administer drugs, in particular, antibiotics. Eating well, she maintains, obviates
the need and can avoid the collateral damage.
The video is
limpid and persuasive. I highly
recommend it.
©Benóg Brady Bates |