70 / Six Cancer Blogs
These are just a sprinkling of blog sites I've looked at on the internet:
"Dear Melanoma is an
honest account of my 24 year old life with Stage 4 Melanoma, which is a
terminal diagnosis. It's all about the hopeful and happy highs, the
heartbreaking lows, and everything in-between. Yes, you'll probably
cry...but I'll make you laugh, too. Pinkie promise!"
16-year old with terminal cancer, beautifully written. Weekly blog and a published book.
"We’re are all going to
die: me, you and everyone else. Get over it."
3. Mike Parke
was diagnosed with Terminal Stage 4 Malignant Melanoma, which had metastasized
to my Brain and Chest, i.e. tumors have spread around my body from an original
‘primary’ site and developed there.
My intent through this website is to take my family, friends and anyone
else who might be interested, on a little journey explaining how all of that
came to be diagnosed."
money for – among others – the
Salisbury Hospice Care Trust.
A useful
survey of ten terminal cancer blog sites.
"At Live Better With we
are dedicated to helping people feel empowered to deal with the issues that
living with cancer can bring. A big part of that is having access to high
quality information and a community that will support individuals through their
cancer journey."
"The blogs we've chosen cover a wide range of topics from personal accounts, to food recipes, to expert information and advice. To help guide you through the list, we've pulled out the reasons why you should be reading each blog and share our three favourite posts from each one."
A subscription site. I was strongly urged to watch the
videos, each sent on nine successive nights to subscribers. The advertising blurb states:
"The powerful cancer documentary seen and
shared by millions when it first aired (to limited release) in 2015 is about to
be unveiled to the world. For FREE, in its entirety, to those who sign up below
today. You’ll discover the most effective ways to prevent and beat cancer —
from 131 of the world’s top experts — that you won’t hear about elsewhere."
I hope you find these helpful.
© Ann Brady |